
In the bleak aftermath of devastation, Orlando had become a charred shadow of its former self. A year prior, Hunters had descended upon the city with a ferocity that likened them to a ruthless inferno, scorching everything in their wake. The Kindred, those ancient denizens of the night, had been nearly eradicated, their very existence in Orlando obliterated as they fled or perished under the relentless assault.

In the desolate months that followed, the Second Inquisition, armed with obsolete intelligence, prowled the empty streets. Their pursuit was thwarted by elusive figures — mysterious Kindred who emerged from the darkness specifically to mislead and manipulate. Their spectral presence led the Inquisition to believe Orlando had been purged of its vampiric plague.

Convinced their task was complete, the Inquisition’s grip loosened, leaving behind only a skeleton crew to watch over the city — a city that lay vulnerable and ripe for the taking. In this power vacuum, the anarchic blood of rebellion stirred. The Anarchs, ever the opportunists, swiftly claimed Clermont, fortifying their new domain with ruthless efficiency.

Yet the shadows held deeper secrets. From their dark embrace, a cadre of Camarilla emerged, led by the enigmatic and now proclaimed Prince, Eugene Babbage. These cunning survivors, having orchestrated the Inquisition’s frustration from behind the scenes, declared a new reign over Orlando. Their claim was grudgingly supported by a sect desperate not to concede further ground to the anarchic tide.

The city, scarred by conflict and betrayal, watched as a tense standoff unfolded. Initial skirmishes gave way to a precarious détente. Through a mix of deception and diplomacy, the Camarilla convinced the Anarchs they were a larger force than they appeared, leading to a brittle ceasefire. A neutral zone, a thin line between two simmering powers, was forged in whispered agreements. Here, a fragile peace was brokered—not out of trust, but out of mutual fear of drawing the Inquisition’s eye once more.

In this brief lull, the call of the Camarilla echoed through the night. They beckoned to Kindred far and wide, offering a chance to claim stake in Orlando’s shadowed streets. Yet, beneath the allure of opportunity lay the dark history of a city bathed in blood and betrayal — a past that the new arrivals would soon learn to navigate or succumb to.