I ventured to this same city recently, as mentioned, to serve our good Prince Stein in a matter which greatly weighed on his mind …. rumors of dissatisfaction from within his own sphere of sovereignty. I was tasked with inquiring of Orlando’s officials if this situation did actually exist and to report my findings back to our kind Prince. How much simpler could the undertaking be …. ask questions, report answers. A natural talent for one such as myself which should have been quick and tidy and WITHOUT incident! Yet this would not be the result!
Upon arriving at Orlando’s new Elysium, the fourth or fifth now under their “Keeper” Cortez, I found no sentry awaiting the door just an unprotected gateway to their refuge. I entered to a gathering of kindred who were so engrossed in their affairs they paid me no heed until I called for the Seneschal. A Brujah, Bruce I believe his name, then took up the job to question me but was easily directed to find me a city elder to meet me. He dutifully returned with Mr. Kennedy of clan Toreador who afforded me some respect and escorted me to a private room to engage in a discussion as to my journey’s objective.
Kennedy and I spoke for a period until the time at which he came to know that there was no information forthcoming from our Georgia clan’s Primogen. He then rallied the city’s officials into the room and the interrogating began.
Various clan representatives made their way into the room – Louise Warren (Whip) of Tremere, Aces and his childer Kings of Brujah and Mr. York clan Nosferatu. York being the brave one, sat beside me. Small talk ensued until “Prince” Vitale arrived with fire in his eyes and brusquely asked why he was not meet with first. A valid question, but not a situation within my control … a city elder, Kennedy, should prioritize his ruler before himself wouldn’t you think?
Others found their to the meeting place eventually … I can only imagine their response had this been something important …. From this point on I was assailed verbally from several parties … Vitale of course who paced the room and stalked about me as if a predatory creature looking for an opening to pounce, Goetzsclagg the Tremere elder was quite vocal in his inquiries concerning his childer Archon Vega and lest I forget Diego Cortez “Keeper” a Lasombra! Clearly Orlando does not use the skills they were gifted with in life nor now in their existence! A historically Sabbat supporting clan member with his hands on the pulse of the city’s refuge! That boggles one’s mind … truly! His reputation as a Keeper is noted with a long and growing list of failures in his post. The Tremere, Von Hellzing, served far better with only one breach against his Elysium … and that of a Gangrel Primogen nearly assaulting the sitting Prince Vega …. which truly should not count owing to the factors.
Turning attentions to the Tremere in the room, their Whip, Warren is an enigma to me. A childer of Von Hellzing who has done well to stay off the radar as it were and avoid controversy …. well taught or just lucky? She remained quiet throughout the clamor of this meeting, but to be expected when within the presence of an elder clan member such as Goetzsclagg. One who’s reputation and quick ill-timed responses do naturally proceed him … not to mention the odoriferous trait that far outreaches his presence coming or going! I can empathize for any kindred having concerns over their bloodline … I can respect their want for their childer to be unmolested, though that seems a stretch for one of Goetzschlagg’s character. But to repeatedly assault me with questions and leave no room to apply answers … even when I was able to provide an answer it fell to disbelieving! I was branded a conspirator without any knowledge of the situation!
Goetzschlagg’s emotional queries seemed a natural segue for Vitale to back his seemingly premeditated agenda. He alternated his scrutiny with that of the Tremere’s and I could only hope to keep up to their demanding tones. Vitale perceiving this as evasion of expelling truth as to my obligation’s objective … to serve my Prince! I repeatedly gave the answer that I was within Orlando to inquire of the truth of matters heard by our benevolent Stein. This incited Vitale to greater stress in his demeanor.