Harpy Report Updates 6-4-19

Harpy Report Updates

June 4th 2019

By Master Harpy H. Goodman

Assamite Gathering

Asadalluah Ibn Sadi Al Hawas has asked me to pass along the following invitation to the Domain of Orlando. In the invitation the Clan Assamite makes the request that the gathering be treated as a temporary Elysium. A request that the Prince is prepared to grant. Details for this are still in the works between Clan Assamite and new Keeper Harmony, of Clan Malkavian. Still guests should plan to be on their best behavior. Keep their hands to themselves and avoid the use of powers other than these necessary to preserve the Masquerade. Rather it is granted Elysium status or not expect punishment for such behavior to be steep.

As you know we of Clan Assamite will be hosting the June Gathering & we extend a warm welcome for all to join us in an evening of fostering better understanding and cooperation.

In celebration of Eid, the ending of the Holy Month of Ramadan we will be serving several Arabic and Persian dishes for the benefit of those who can consume food, and a special prayer will be sung by our Shaykh.

We respectfully request modest dress be observed by the attendees, and that all who attend come with peace in their heart. As such we request of His Majesty The Plague that the location of the Gathering be declared temporary Elysium.

For those clans who wish to participate, rather than playing the usual games we have decided upon an activity to foster understanding and cooperation. Each clan will pick a representative from amongst themselves to speak of what it means to be of their blood. Not the stereotypical, trivial, or outward appearance but the core, the essence of their understanding.

The date &  location for the gathering will be Sat. June 8th at Jama Masjid of Orlando, 11543 Ruby Lake Rd, Orlando FL 32836 …

Dear Friends, we look forward to a most enjoyable and respectful evening with you all.


Elder Shaykh Asadullah ibn Said al Hawas.

الله أعلمain.

Added onto the gathering is a new Symbel put forward by the Courteous Toreador Elder Prima-Dezz. He wishes to award Victorious to the person who presents our host with the best gift. So who ever presents Assimite Primogen  Mahmoud Çetin with his favorite gift shall win the contest and the coveted status.

Elaine Sleeper Sabbat agent?

Tzimisce Elder De Mor has been a staple of the Orlando domain since long before my arrival. Until recently she has been serving the domain as scourge hunting down whatever random threats popped up in the domain. However, recent evidence has come to light that she has been behind at least some of these so called threats herself. Prince the Plague has recently reviewed this evidence and removed Elaine’s Acknowledgment from the Orlando Domain following an attack on Elder Fenrir Lukka only a few weeks ago.

Elaine as we all know is a powerful Koldunic Sorceress with a known spiteful streak.In retaliation for how things have played out Elaine Kidnapped, tortured, brainwashed, and otherwise enslaved to her will the Keeper of Elysium Andrew Lacer of Clan Nosferatu and Primogen Hati Lukka of Gangrel. Both of her victims are in recovery now but the damage to their minds is extreme. It is unlikely either will be able to resume their duties anytime soon and replacement Keeper Harmony of Clan Malkavian has been chosen in the meantime.

Attack on Cafe Chat Nior

On the night of May 28th Elder Prima-Dezz was attacked at the popular gathering location Cafe Chat Noir. It appears that former Sheriff Clifford B Hardwell falsified boons lied, and manipulated the Tampa Keeper of Elysium Marcus Barlow, and Elder Fenrir Lukka for their assistance in the attack. He claimed that Primogen Marcus Lees requested the attack in response to last months “entertainment” issue. However no such boon was ever logged with the Harpy’s office.

The Toreador Admiral was able to avoid any permanent damage and his fury over the insult can be felt. So much so that both Clifford and Elder Fenrir have not been seen or heard from since the incident. Marcus Barlow however has come forward to seek forgiveness from Elder Dezz and to offer explanation for his behavior.

Prior to this incident Clifford was seen as Loyal from the Prince as well as myself for services to the domain. However, an assault on Established Elder Prima Dezz and insult to Established Elder Lillian Tyler have stripped these loyal traits away. I have personally sought out both Clifford and Elder Fenrir for explanation but both have been unavailable. With this in mind I must take the evidence before me and assume that Clifford did indeed lie about boons to manipulate his would be accomplices. Lying about boons is something I will not tolerate. Therefor, I hear by utilize my Guardian status to Disgrace Clifford B Hardwell and label him a boon breaker until such time as evidence is brought to me to prove otherwise.

Messages from the Prince

A New Courtesy

Given the recent formation of a neighboring Anarch domain and the number of emissaries having arrived in town Praxis will be reinstating the previous courtesy regarding neighboring domains:

Courtesy 10: Both Kindred of the Advocacy of Brevard County and Registered Emissaries of the Independent Alliance will be allowed travel in the domain of Orlando and receive the domain’s protection under the 6th tradition. This will be granted by an ‘Authorized’ status which may be revoked if specific Kindred are unable to act within the Tower’s traditions while in Orlando.

I would also like to take this time to remind the Kindred of the Domain of Orlando that an unacknowledged or unauthorized Kindred is not granted any protection from the Domain other than those granted by passage to and from Elysium. Unacknowledged Kindred are advised to register with their Primogen or come to Elysium as quickly as able when entering the city if they do not wish to find themselves in an unfortunate meeting with the Scourge.

City Positions

Finding itself in need of a scourge, Elaine having been lost to the domain, the previous Seneschal Elder Chance Whitman has offered to step aside and fulfil the role. The domain thanks Scourge Whitman and advises any unacknowledged kindred think twice before trying his patience.

After careful consideration, the position of Seneschal has been accepted by Elder Lillian Tyler of Clan Toreador. Seneschal Lillian has shown herself to be a pillar of reason within a clan experiencing the frivilities of its blood and the Domain looks forward to her steady hand. To this end, all non-Elders and non-City staff wishing to discuss Domain business with the Prince should look to the Seneschal to make the appropriate introduction.

Lastly, due to the trauma he has experienced outside of the domain, Andrew of Clan Nosferatu has been removed from his position as Keeper – I would like to remind all Kindred that travel to other domains is indeed dangerous. Harmony, of Clan Malkavian, Grandchild to Mary of Clan Malkavian, has been named Keeper of Elysium. A member of the city recently returned from privacy Keeper Harmony will bring the greatness of their line to our most important of spaces. Please be on the lookout for the new rules as our new Keeper assumes the position.

Territory Adjustments

Given their expertise in securing such an area and the fact that this is a function they already perform, Clan Nosferatu’s territory will extend into the sewers of the city. The territories above shall not see undue burden by this arrangement.

“Let’s Play Favorites” Symbel Announcement!

A final reminder that the winner of by Symbel will be announced at the upcoming Assimite Gathering. Below is a reminder of the contest along with its rules.

“I, Dr Harry Goodman of Clan Nosferatu, Prominent Noble Guardian and Harpy of the Orlando Domain, Honorable, Loyal, Acclaimed and Favored, here by put up the Favor bestowed on me by the Confirmed, Established, Privileged Elder and Admiral of the Toreador Navy Prima Dezz, Honorable, Favored, Courteous, and Double Loyal. To announce the following contest.”

“This contest is intended for Neonates as a way to get them better acquainted to the dance that is Camarilla politics and social etiquette. However, the contest is open for anyone to compete. To the individual who can acquire and maintain the most “Favored” fleeting status from Camarilla Elders will be the “Victorious”!”  

The Rules

1) The contest officially begins on May 11th at the Toreador Gathering.

2) The contestants will have until June 7th to acquire as many Favored as they can from any Camarilla Elders. Winner will be announced June 8th at the Assimite hosted gathering.

3) Previously earned Favored will count. However, as a reminder contestants can not be Favored by the same Elder more than once.

4) The Favored must be maintained through June 7th meaning Favored lost due to warnings or Favored that is expended during the month will not count towards your total.

5) In the event of a tie the winner will be determined by the individual with the most overall fleeting status. In the event there is still a tie the Individual Favored by Elders of the widest variety of Clans shall be the winner. In the event there is still a tie the Harpy will choose the winner based off weighted boon records.

6) The rule of 5 max Fleeting status is still in effect so serious candidates may have to give up other status to make room.

Who will prove they have they have the chops to approach and gain the respect of the most Elders? Which Elder (or Elders) will earn the bragging rights that they chose the Victor? We will find out together June 8th!

Office and Status Updates

So much has changed in the last 2 months I thought it best to put out another full roster of the City Staff.

Prince- The Plague of Clan Malkavian

Seneschal- Lillian Tyler of Clan Toreador

Sheriff- Rahim Al Fais of Clan Assamite

        Deputy Skoll Lukka of Clan gangrel

        Deputy Zero of Clan Assamite

Keeper of Elysium- Harmony of Clan Malkavian

        Assistant Keeper- Skoll Lukka of Clan Gangrel

Master Harpy- Goodman of Clan Nosferatu

        Talon- Poppet of Clan Malkavian

        Talon- Georgia Sugarbush of Clan Ventrue

Scourge- Chance Whitman of Clan Brujah

Assamite Primogen- Mahmoud Çetin

        Whip- Lisette Charbonneau

Brujah Primogen-Rhamiel

        Whip-Chance Whitman

Gangrel Primogen- Nick Storm

Malkavian Primogen- Dissonance

        Whip- Mama Emma

Nosferatu Primogen- Tsavo

        Whip- Cierzo Mistral

Toreador Primogen- Marcus Lees

        Whip- Prima Dezz

Tremere Primogen – Jasmine Dupree

        Whip- Wilhelm Von Helsing

Ventrue Primogen- Thaddeus Goode-Mezzenotte

        Whip- Captain Argyle Hunt

Elder Asadalluah Ibn Sadi Al Hawas of Clan Assamite is seen as Loyal by Harpy Goodman for services to the Domain.

Scourge Chance Whitman of Clan Brujah is seen as Favored by ELder Prima Dezz of Clan Toreador.

All evidence shows that Clifford B Harwell lied about a boon and he has not presented himself to the Harpy to clarify. As his loyalty status has been stripped away by his other actions I see Clifford B Hardwell as Disgraced and a boon Breaker.

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