April 2023

Notice from The Harpy:
It is not a secret, nor a surprise; that Mx.Rayne Bernard has been removed from the position of Harpy. Their ineptness to understand the position and their role within court, forced them to reveal the hand of their own creation.
The night they were removed from their position, they decided to leave town. And in their own pettiness, made sure to leave nothing behind. That means, the Boon’s they logged when they first took the position of Harpy until their Last Night as Harpy, are gone. The records from Previous Harpy’s within the Domain, have been found; but is not much to go off of.
All Kindred within the Domain of Prince Kellor, please report to the Harpy’s Office with a List of Boons that you owe and owed, for the Month of March and April; so they may be added to the new Boon Log.
If any are owed Boons from Mx. Rayne Bernard; know that those Boons will not be paid back.
For their Ineptness, Pettiness, and disregard for the Boon Economy and not understanding what the Position of Harpy means; I find Mx. Rayne Bernard, Scandalous and a Boon Breaker.
The Koldun, Elaine De Mor, is an enemy of the Domain of Orlando, and is Forsaken and a Boon Breaker. The Koldun is known for trying to communicate with her targets with Telepathy and blood bonding those individuals. Those in contact with her without the approval of the Prince, Seneschal, and Sheriff will be “Warned.”
Reports Outside the Domain
Mexico City
Reports of violence at the US/Mexican border continues to be the wedge between USA and Mexican politicians.
The Violence took a turn, as explosions were reported around a fireworks manufacturing plant in Mexico City. Later on, an alcohol factory also had an accidental explosion. Authorities say these are unrelated workplace incidents, and appear to be an accident. Around 6 pm, reports of a deadly gas explosion rocked Central Mexico City Children’s Hospital with numerous Casualties reported.
News then broke when a pipeline exploded, on the northern side of Mexico City, outside of La Flaya Slum. State Oil Firms have confirmed that the supply was turned off shortly after the pressure drop. Images suggest that hundreds of homes may have been engulfed and possibly thousands of deaths.
The Mexican government is calling this an industrial accident. An Investigation will get underway after the cleanup.

Reports of the Violence in Vienna are still coming in, leaving more questions about the incident than answers.
After the early departure of the Pope, reports of Gunfire in Downtown Vienna, and small explosions had the population running in fear. Footage of a massive explosion can be seen on the internet, as a local news copter crashed.
Reports continued to pour in of widespread power outages across Vienna, causing the Austrian government to blame separatists and partisan extremists. Emergency survivors from surrounding towns are pouring into Vienna.
All citizens of Vienna and surrounding areas 20 miles around the city, were ordered to evacuate.
A small-scale nuclear explosion rocked the city a few hours ago, causing widespread destruction and leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. Initial reports suggest that over 20,000 people may have lost their lives in the explosion and its aftermath, with countless more injured and missing.
The cause of the blast remains unclear at this time, with some experts speculating that it may have been a result of a terrorist attack or technical malfunction. Emergency services are on the scene, working tirelessly to rescue survivors and provide medical assistance to those in need.
Radiation levels in the affected areas are reportedly off the charts. The long-term effects of this exposure are unknown, but experts are warning that they could be catastrophic.
The international community is rallying around Austria in this time of Crisis, with offers of Aid and Support pouring in from around the globe.
Update: BBC is reporting that an estimate 55,000 dead at this time with another 150-200k missing Vienna. This is the single worst same-day disaster since WW2 and the fire bombings of Tokyo. Numerous terrorist groups are claiming credit at this time. The United Nations has begun an investigation into these terrible crimes.

Office Updates:
New In Office:
Kali Young of Clan Ventrue is now Harpy of Orlando
Lex of Clan Tremere is now Primogen of Clan Tremere
Percival Livingston is now Whip of Clan Tremere
Dyson is now Whip of Clan Brujah
Jimmy Niblick is now Whip of Clan Ventrue
Charlotte Lukka remains Talon to the Harpy
Tails is now Talon to the Harpy
Open Positions:
Nosferatu Whip
Malkavian Whip